Table of Contents
- SitActionData
- Data associated with different values of the `sitAction` field.
- InfoTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `infoType` field.
- ReplyTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `replyType` field.
- SitActionData
- Data associated with different values of the `sitAction` field.
- ActionTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `actionType` field.
- FileTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `fileType` field.
- AccountAgreeClientPacket
- Change password
- AccountCreateClientPacket
- Confirm creating an account
- AccountRequestClientPacket
- Request creating an account
- AdminInteractReportClientPacket
- Report character
- AdminInteractTellClientPacket
- Talk to admin
- AttackUseClientPacket
- Attacking
- BankAddClientPacket
- Depositing gold
- BankOpenClientPacket
- Talked to a banker NPC
- BankTakeClientPacket
- Withdrawing gold
- BarberBuyClientPacket
- Purchasing a hair-style
- BarberOpenClientPacket
- Talking to a barber NPC
- BoardCreateClientPacket
- Posting a new message to a town board
- BoardOpenClientPacket
- Opening a town board
- BoardRemoveClientPacket
- Removing a post from a town board
- BoardTakeClientPacket
- Reading a post on a town board
- BookRequestClientPacket
- Request for a player's book
- ByteCoords
- ChairRequestClientPacket
- Sitting on a chair
- SitActionDataSit
- Data associated with sitAction value SitAction::SIT
- CharacterCreateClientPacket
- Confirm creating a character
- CharacterRemoveClientPacket
- Confirm deleting character from an account
- CharacterRequestClientPacket
- Request to create a character
- CharacterTakeClientPacket
- Request to delete a character from an account
- ChestAddClientPacket
- Placing an item in to a chest
- ChestOpenClientPacket
- Opening a chest
- ChestTakeClientPacket
- Taking an item from a chest
- CitizenAcceptClientPacket
- Confirm sleeping at an inn
- CitizenOpenClientPacket
- Talking to a citizenship NPC
- CitizenRemoveClientPacket
- Giving up citizenship of a town
- CitizenReplyClientPacket
- Subscribing to a town
- CitizenRequestClientPacket
- Request sleeping at an inn
- ConnectionAcceptClientPacket
- Confirm initialization data
- ConnectionPingClientPacket
- Ping reply
- DialogReply
- DoorOpenClientPacket
- Opening a door
- EmoteReportClientPacket
- Doing an emote
- FacePlayerClientPacket
- Facing a direction
- FileType
- GlobalCloseClientPacket
- Closed global tab
- GlobalOpenClientPacket
- Opened global tab
- GlobalPlayerClientPacket
- Disable whispers
- GlobalRemoveClientPacket
- Enable whispers
- GuildAcceptClientPacket
- Accept pending guild creation invite
- GuildAgreeClientPacket
- Update the guild description or rank list
- InfoTypeDataDescription
- Data associated with infoType value GuildInfoType::DESCRIPTION
- InfoTypeDataRanks
- Data associated with infoType value GuildInfoType::RANKS
- GuildBuyClientPacket
- Deposit gold in to the guild bank
- GuildCreateClientPacket
- Final confirm creating a guild
- GuildInfoType
- GuildJunkClientPacket
- Disband guild
- GuildKickClientPacket
- Kick member from guild
- GuildOpenClientPacket
- Talking to a guild master NPC
- GuildPlayerClientPacket
- Request to join a guild
- GuildRankClientPacket
- Update a member's rank
- GuildRemoveClientPacket
- Leave guild
- GuildReportClientPacket
- Requested general information of a guild
- GuildRequestClientPacket
- Requested to create a guild
- GuildTakeClientPacket
- Request guild description, rank list, or bank balance
- GuildTellClientPacket
- Requested member list of a guild
- GuildUseClientPacket
- Accepted a join request
- InitInitClientPacket
- Connection initialization request.
- ItemDropClientPacket
- Dropping items on the ground
- ItemGetClientPacket
- Taking items from the ground
- ItemJunkClientPacket
- Junking items
- ItemUseClientPacket
- Using an item
- JukeboxMsgClientPacket
- Requesting a song on a jukebox
- JukeboxOpenClientPacket
- Opening the jukebox listing
- JukeboxUseClientPacket
- Playing a note with the bard skill
- LockerAddClientPacket
- Adding an item to a bank locker
- LockerBuyClientPacket
- Buying a locker space upgrade from a banker NPC
- LockerOpenClientPacket
- Opening a bank locker
- LockerTakeClientPacket
- Taking an item from a bank locker
- LoginRequestClientPacket
- Login request
- MarriageOpenClientPacket
- Talking to a law NPC
- MarriageRequestClientPacket
- Requesting marriage approval
- MarriageRequestType
- MessagePingClientPacket
- #ping command request
- NpcRangeRequestClientPacket
- Requesting info about nearby NPCs
- PaperdollAddClientPacket
- Equipping an item
- PaperdollRemoveClientPacket
- Unequipping an item
- PaperdollRequestClientPacket
- Request for a player's paperdoll
- PartyAcceptClientPacket
- Accept party invite / join request
- PartyRemoveClientPacket
- Remove player from a party
- PartyRequestClientPacket
- Send party invite / join request
- PartyTakeClientPacket
- Request updated party info
- PlayerRangeRequestClientPacket
- Requesting info about nearby players
- PlayersAcceptClientPacket
- #find command request
- PlayersListClientPacket
- Requesting a list of online friends
- PlayersRequestClientPacket
- Requesting a list of online players
- PriestAcceptClientPacket
- Accepting a marriage request
- PriestOpenClientPacket
- Talking to a priest NPC
- PriestRequestClientPacket
- Requesting marriage at a priest
- PriestUseClientPacket
- Saying "I do" at a wedding
- QuestAcceptClientPacket
- Response to a quest NPC dialog
- ReplyTypeDataLink
- Data associated with replyType value DialogReply::LINK
- QuestListClientPacket
- Quest history / progress request
- QuestUseClientPacket
- Talking to a quest NPC
- RangeRequestClientPacket
- Requesting info about nearby players and NPCs
- RefreshRequestClientPacket
- Requesting new info about nearby objects
- ShopBuyClientPacket
- Purchasing an item from a shop
- ShopCreateClientPacket
- Crafting an item from a shop
- ShopOpenClientPacket
- Talking to a shop NPC
- ShopSellClientPacket
- Selling an item to a shop
- SitAction
- SitRequestClientPacket
- Sit/stand request
- SitActionDataSit
- Data associated with sitAction value SitAction::SIT
- SpellRequestClientPacket
- Begin spell chanting
- SpellTargetGroupClientPacket
- Group spell cast
- SpellTargetOtherClientPacket
- Targeted spell cast
- SpellTargetSelfClientPacket
- Self-targeted spell cast
- SpellTargetType
- SpellUseClientPacket
- Raise arm to cast a spell (vestigial)
- StatId
- StatSkillAddClientPacket
- Spending a stat point on a stat or skill
- ActionTypeDataStat
- Data associated with actionType value TrainType::STAT
- ActionTypeDataSkill
- Data associated with actionType value TrainType::SKILL
- StatSkillJunkClientPacket
- Resetting stats at a skill master
- StatSkillOpenClientPacket
- Talking to a skill master NPC
- StatSkillRemoveClientPacket
- Forgetting a skill at a skill master NPC
- StatSkillTakeClientPacket
- Learning a skill from a skill master NPC
- TalkAdminClientPacket
- Admin chat message
- TalkAnnounceClientPacket
- Admin announcement
- TalkMsgClientPacket
- Global chat message
- TalkOpenClientPacket
- Party chat message
- TalkPlayerClientPacket
- Public chat message - alias of TALK_REPORT (vestigial)
- TalkReportClientPacket
- Public chat message
- TalkRequestClientPacket
- Guild chat message
- TalkTellClientPacket
- Private chat message
- TalkUseClientPacket
- Public chat message - alias of TALK_REPORT (vestigial)
- TradeAcceptClientPacket
- Accepting a trade request
- TradeAddClientPacket
- Add an item to the trade screen
- TradeAgreeClientPacket
- Mark trade as agreed
- TradeCloseClientPacket
- Cancel the trade
- TradeRemoveClientPacket
- Remove an item from the trade screen
- TradeRequestClientPacket
- Requesting a trade with another player
- TrainType
- WalkAction
- WalkAdminClientPacket
- Walking with #nowall
- WalkPlayerClientPacket
- Walking
- WalkSpecClientPacket
- Walking through a player
- WarpAcceptClientPacket
- Accept a warp request from the server
- WarpTakeClientPacket
- Request to download a copy of the map
- WelcomeAgreeClientPacket
- Requesting a file
- FileTypeDataEmf
- Data associated with fileType value FileType::EMF
- FileTypeDataEif
- Data associated with fileType value FileType::EIF
- FileTypeDataEnf
- Data associated with fileType value FileType::ENF
- FileTypeDataEsf
- Data associated with fileType value FileType::ESF
- FileTypeDataEcf
- Data associated with fileType value FileType::ECF
- WelcomeMsgClientPacket
- Entering game
- WelcomeRequestClientPacket
- Selected a character