Table of Contents
- ReplyCodeData
- Data associated with different values of the `replyCode` field.
- MessageTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `messageType` field.
- ChangeTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `changeType` field.
- ReplyCodeData
- Data associated with different values of the `replyCode` field.
- EntryTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `entryType` field.
- MapDamageTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `mapDamageType` field.
- EffectData
- Data associated with different values of the `effect` field.
- ReplyCodeData
- Data associated with different values of the `replyCode` field.
- ReplyCodeData
- Data associated with different values of the `replyCode` field.
- BanTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `banType` field.
- ItemTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `itemType` field.
- ReplyCodeData
- Data associated with different values of the `replyCode` field.
- ReplyCodeData
- Data associated with different values of the `replyCode` field.
- ReplyCodeData
- Data associated with different values of the `replyCode` field.
- PageData
- Data associated with different values of the `page` field.
- ReplyCodeData
- Data associated with different values of the `replyCode` field.
- WarpTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `warpType` field.
- WarpTypeData
- Data associated with different values of the `warpType` field.
- WelcomeCodeData
- Data associated with different values of the `welcomeCode` field.
- AccountReply
- AccountReplyServerPacket
- Reply to client Account-family packets
- ReplyCodeDataExists
- Data associated with replyCode value AccountReply::EXISTS
- ReplyCodeDataNotApproved
- Data associated with replyCode value AccountReply::NOTAPPROVED
- ReplyCodeDataCreated
- Data associated with replyCode value AccountReply::CREATED
- ReplyCodeDataChangeFailed
- Data associated with replyCode value AccountReply::CHANGEFAILED
- ReplyCodeDataChanged
- Data associated with replyCode value AccountReply::CHANGED
- ReplyCodeDataRequestDenied
- Data associated with replyCode value AccountReply::REQUESTDENIED
- ReplyCodeDataDefault
- Default data associated with replyCode
- AdminInteractAgreeServerPacket
- Nearby player appearing (admin un-hide)
- AdminInteractListServerPacket
- Admin character inventory popup
- AdminInteractRemoveServerPacket
- Nearby player disappearing (admin hide)
- AdminInteractReplyServerPacket
- Incoming admin message
- MessageTypeDataMessage
- Data associated with messageType value AdminMessageType::MESSAGE
- MessageTypeDataReport
- Data associated with messageType value AdminMessageType::REPORT
- AdminInteractTellServerPacket
- Admin character info lookup
- AdminMessageType
- ArenaAcceptServerPacket
- Arena win message
- ArenaDropServerPacket
- "Arena is blocked" message
- ArenaSpecServerPacket
- Arena kill message
- ArenaUseServerPacket
- Arena start message
- AttackErrorServerPacket
- Show flood protection message (vestigial)
- AttackPlayerServerPacket
- Nearby player attacking
- AvatarAdminServerPacket
- Nearby player hit by a damage spell from a player
- AvatarAgreeServerPacket
- Nearby player changed appearance
- AvatarChange
- ChangeTypeDataEquipment
- Data associated with changeType value AvatarChangeType::EQUIPMENT
- ChangeTypeDataHair
- Data associated with changeType value AvatarChangeType::HAIR
- ChangeTypeDataHairColor
- Data associated with changeType value AvatarChangeType::HAIRCOLOR
- AvatarChangeType
- AvatarRemoveServerPacket
- Nearby player has disappeared from view
- AvatarReplyServerPacket
- Nearby player hit by another player
- BankOpenServerPacket
- Open banker NPC interface
- BankReplyServerPacket
- Update gold counts after deposit/withdraw
- BarberAgreeServerPacket
- Purchasing a new hair style
- BarberOpenServerPacket
- Response from talking to a barber NPC
- BigCoords
- BoardOpenServerPacket
- Reply to opening a town board
- BoardPlayerServerPacket
- Reply to reading a post on a town board
- BoardPostListing
- BookReplyServerPacket
- Reply to requesting a book
- CastAcceptServerPacket
- Nearby NPC killed by player spell and you leveled up
- CastReplyServerPacket
- Nearby NPC hit by a spell from a player
- CastSpecServerPacket
- Nearby NPC killed by player spell
- ChairCloseServerPacket
- Your character standing up from a chair
- ChairPlayerServerPacket
- Nearby player sitting on a chair
- ChairRemoveServerPacket
- Nearby player standing up from a chair
- ChairReplyServerPacket
- Your character sitting on a chair
- CharacterBaseStats
- CharacterBaseStatsWelcome
- CharacterDetails
- CharacterElementalStats
- CharacterIcon
- CharacterMapInfo
- CharacterPlayerServerPacket
- Reply to client request to delete a character from the account (Character_Take)
- CharacterReply
- CharacterReplyServerPacket
- Reply to client Character-family packets
- ReplyCodeDataExists
- Data associated with replyCode value CharacterReply::EXISTS
- ReplyCodeDataFull
- Data associated with replyCode value CharacterReply::FULL
- ReplyCodeDataFull3
- Data associated with replyCode value CharacterReply::FULL3
- ReplyCodeDataNotApproved
- Data associated with replyCode value CharacterReply::NOTAPPROVED
- ReplyCodeDataOk
- Data associated with replyCode value CharacterReply::OK
- ReplyCodeDataDeleted
- Data associated with replyCode value CharacterReply::DELETED
- ReplyCodeDataDefault
- Default data associated with replyCode
- CharacterSecondaryStats
- CharacterSecondaryStatsInfoLookup
- CharacterSelectionListEntry
- CharacterStatsEquipmentChange
- CharacterStatsInfoLookup
- CharacterStatsReset
- CharacterStatsUpdate
- CharacterStatsWelcome
- ChestAgreeServerPacket
- Chest contents updating
- ChestCloseServerPacket
- Reply to trying to interact with a locked or "broken" chest.
- ChestGetServerPacket
- Reply to removing an item from a chest
- ChestOpenServerPacket
- Reply to opening a chest
- ChestReplyServerPacket
- Reply to placing an item in to a chest
- ChestSpecServerPacket
- Reply to trying to add an item to a full chest
- CitizenAcceptServerPacket
- Sleeping at an inn
- CitizenOpenServerPacket
- Response from talking to a citizenship NPC
- CitizenRemoveServerPacket
- Response to giving up citizenship of a town
- CitizenReplyServerPacket
- Response to subscribing to a town
- CitizenRequestServerPacket
- Reply to requesting sleeping at an inn
- ConnectionPlayerServerPacket
- Ping request
- DialogEntry
- EntryTypeDataLink
- Data associated with entryType value DialogEntryType::LINK
- DialogEntryType
- DialogQuestEntry
- DoorCloseServerPacket
- Reply to trying to open a locked door
- DoorOpenServerPacket
- Nearby door opening
- EffectAdminServerPacket
- Nearby character taking spike damage
- EffectAgreeServerPacket
- Effects playing on nearby tiles
- EffectPlayerServerPacket
- Effects playing on nearby players
- EffectReportServerPacket
- Map spike timer
- EffectSpecServerPacket
- Taking spike or tp drain damage
- MapDamageTypeDataTpDrain
- Data associated with mapDamageType value MapDamageType::TPDRAIN
- MapDamageTypeDataSpikes
- Data associated with mapDamageType value MapDamageType::SPIKES
- EffectTargetOtherServerPacket
- Map drain damage
- EffectUseServerPacket
- Map effect
- EffectDataQuake
- Data associated with effect value MapEffect::QUAKE
- EmotePlayerServerPacket
- Nearby player doing an emote
- EquipmentChange
- EquipmentCharacterSelect
- EquipmentMapInfo
- EquipmentPaperdoll
- EquipmentWelcome
- FacePlayerServerPacket
- Nearby player facing a direction
- GlobalBackfillMessage
- GroupHealTargetPlayer
- GuildAcceptServerPacket
- Update guild rank
- GuildAgreeServerPacket
- Joined guild info
- GuildBuyServerPacket
- Deposit guild bank reply
- GuildCreateServerPacket
- Guild created
- GuildKickServerPacket
- Left the guild
- GuildMember
- GuildOpenServerPacket
- Talk to guild master NPC reply
- GuildRankServerPacket
- Get guild rank list reply
- GuildReply
- GuildReplyServerPacket
- Generic guild reply messages
- ReplyCodeDataCreateAdd
- Data associated with replyCode value GuildReply::CREATEADD
- ReplyCodeDataCreateAddConfirm
- Data associated with replyCode value GuildReply::CREATEADDCONFIRM
- ReplyCodeDataJoinRequest
- Data associated with replyCode value GuildReply::JOINREQUEST
- GuildReportServerPacket
- Get guild info reply
- GuildRequestServerPacket
- Guild create request
- GuildSellServerPacket
- Get guild bank reply
- GuildStaff
- GuildTakeServerPacket
- Get guild description reply
- GuildTellServerPacket
- Get guild member list reply
- InitBanType
- InitInitServerPacket
- Reply to connection initialization and requests for unencrypted data.
- ReplyCodeDataOutOfDate
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::OUTOFDATE
- ReplyCodeDataOk
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::OK
- ReplyCodeDataBanned
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::BANNED
- BanTypeData0
- Data associated with banType value 0
- BanTypeDataTemporary
- Data associated with banType value InitBanType::TEMPORARY
- ReplyCodeDataWarpMap
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::WARPMAP
- ReplyCodeDataFileEmf
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::FILEEMF
- ReplyCodeDataFileEif
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::FILEEIF
- ReplyCodeDataFileEnf
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::FILEENF
- ReplyCodeDataFileEsf
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::FILEESF
- ReplyCodeDataFileEcf
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::FILEECF
- ReplyCodeDataMapMutation
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::MAPMUTATION
- ReplyCodeDataPlayersList
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::PLAYERSLIST
- ReplyCodeDataPlayersListFriends
- Data associated with replyCode value InitReply::PLAYERSLISTFRIENDS
- InitReply
- InnUnsubscribeReply
- ItemAcceptServerPacket
- Nearby player leveled up from quest
- ItemAddServerPacket
- Item appeared on the ground
- ItemAgreeServerPacket
- Reply to using an item that you don't have
- ItemDropServerPacket
- Reply to dropping items on the ground
- ItemGetServerPacket
- Reply to taking items from the ground
- ItemJunkServerPacket
- Reply to junking items
- ItemKickServerPacket
- Lose item (from quest)
- ItemMapInfo
- ItemObtainServerPacket
- Receive item (from quest)
- ItemRemoveServerPacket
- Item disappeared from the ground
- ItemReplyServerPacket
- Reply to using an item
- ItemTypeDataHeal
- Data associated with itemType value ItemType::HEAL
- ItemTypeDataHairDye
- Data associated with itemType value ItemType::HAIRDYE
- ItemTypeDataEffectPotion
- Data associated with itemType value ItemType::EFFECTPOTION
- ItemTypeDataCureCurse
- Data associated with itemType value ItemType::CURECURSE
- ItemTypeDataExpReward
- Data associated with itemType value ItemType::EXPREWARD
- ItemSpecServerPacket
- Reply to trying to take a protected item from the ground
- JukeboxAgreeServerPacket
- Reply to successfully requesting a song
- JukeboxMsgServerPacket
- Someone playing a note with the bard skill nearby
- JukeboxOpenServerPacket
- Reply to opening the jukebox listing
- JukeboxPlayerServerPacket
- Play background music
- JukeboxReplyServerPacket
- Reply to unsuccessfully requesting a song
- JukeboxUseServerPacket
- Play jukebox music
- LevelUpStats
- LockerBuyServerPacket
- Response to buying a locker space upgrade from a banker NPC
- LockerGetServerPacket
- Response to taking an item from a bank locker
- LockerOpenServerPacket
- Opening a bank locker
- LockerReplyServerPacket
- Response to adding an item to a bank locker
- LockerSpecServerPacket
- Reply to trying to add an item to a full locker
- LoginMessageCode
- LoginReply
- LoginReplyServerPacket
- Login reply
- ReplyCodeDataWrongUser
- Data associated with replyCode value LoginReply::WRONGUSER
- ReplyCodeDataWrongUserPassword
- Data associated with replyCode value LoginReply::WRONGUSERPASSWORD
- ReplyCodeDataOk
- Data associated with replyCode value LoginReply::OK
- ReplyCodeDataBanned
- Data associated with replyCode value LoginReply::BANNED
- ReplyCodeDataLoggedIn
- Data associated with replyCode value LoginReply::LOGGEDIN
- ReplyCodeDataBusy
- Data associated with replyCode value LoginReply::BUSY
- MapDamageType
- MapDrainDamageOther
- MapEffect
- MapFile
- MarriageOpenServerPacket
- Response from talking to a law NPC
- MarriageReply
- MarriageReplyServerPacket
- Reply to client Marriage-family packets
- ReplyCodeDataSuccess
- Data associated with replyCode value MarriageReply::SUCCESS
- MessageAcceptServerPacket
- Large message box
- MessageCloseServerPacket
- Server is rebooting
- MessageOpenServerPacket
- Status bar message
- MessagePongServerPacket
- #ping command reply
- MusicPlayerServerPacket
- Sound effect
- NearbyInfo
- NpcAcceptServerPacket
- Nearby NPC killed by player and you leveled up
- NpcAgreeServerPacket
- Reply to request for information about nearby NPCs
- NpcDialogServerPacket
- NPC chat message
- NpcJunkServerPacket
- Clearing all boss children
- NpcKilledData
- NpcKillStealProtectionState
- NpcMapInfo
- NpcPlayerServerPacket
- Main NPC update message
- NpcReplyServerPacket
- Nearby NPC hit by a player
- NpcSpecServerPacket
- Nearby NPC killed by player
- NpcUpdateAttack
- NpcUpdateChat
- NpcUpdatePosition
- OnlinePlayer
- PaperdollAgreeServerPacket
- Reply to equipping an item
- PaperdollPingServerPacket
- Failed to equip an item due to being the incorrect class
- PaperdollRemoveServerPacket
- Reply to unequipping an item
- PaperdollReplyServerPacket
- Reply to requesting a paperdoll
- PartyAddServerPacket
- New player joined the party
- PartyAgreeServerPacket
- Party member list update
- PartyCloseServerPacket
- Left / disbanded a party
- PartyCreateServerPacket
- Member list received when party is first joined
- PartyExpShare
- PartyListServerPacket
- Party member list update
- PartyMember
- PartyRemoveServerPacket
- Player left the party
- PartyReplyCode
- PartyReplyServerPacket
- Failed party invite / join request
- ReplyCodeDataAlreadyInAnotherParty
- Data associated with replyCode value PartyReplyCode::ALREADYINANOTHERPARTY
- ReplyCodeDataAlreadyInYourParty
- Data associated with replyCode value PartyReplyCode::ALREADYINYOURPARTY
- PartyRequestServerPacket
- Received party invite / join request
- PartyTargetGroupServerPacket
- Updated experience and level-ups from party experience
- PlayerEffect
- PlayerKilledState
- PlayersAgreeServerPacket
- Player has appeared in nearby view
- PlayersList
- PlayersListFriends
- PlayersListServerPacket
- Equivalent to INIT_INIT with InitReply.PlayersList
- PlayersNet242ServerPacket
- #find command reply - different map
- PlayersPingServerPacket
- #find command reply - offline
- PlayersPongServerPacket
- #find command reply - same map
- PlayersRemoveServerPacket
- Nearby player has logged out
- PlayersReplyServerPacket
- Equivalent to INIT_INIT with InitReply.PlayersListFriends
- PriestOpenServerPacket
- Response from talking to a priest NPC
- PriestReply
- PriestReplyServerPacket
- Reply to client Priest-family packets
- PriestRequestServerPacket
- Wedding request
- PubFile
- QuestDialogServerPacket
- Quest selection dialog
- QuestListServerPacket
- Quest history / progress reply
- PageDataProgress
- Data associated with page value QuestPage::PROGRESS
- PageDataHistory
- Data associated with page value QuestPage::HISTORY
- QuestProgressEntry
- QuestReportServerPacket
- NPC chat messages
- QuestRequirementIcon
- RangeReplyServerPacket
- Reply to request for information about nearby players and NPCs
- RecoverAgreeServerPacket
- Nearby player gained HP
- RecoverListServerPacket
- Stats update
- RecoverPlayerServerPacket
- HP/TP update
- RecoverReplyServerPacket
- Karma/experience update
- RecoverTargetGroupServerPacket
- Updated stats when levelling up from party experience
- RefreshReplyServerPacket
- Reply to request for new info about nearby objects
- ServerSettings
- ShopBuyServerPacket
- Response to purchasing an item from a shop
- ShopCraftItem
- ShopCreateServerPacket
- Response to crafting an item from a shop
- ShopOpenServerPacket
- Response from talking to a shop NPC
- ShopSellServerPacket
- Response to selling an item to a shop
- ShopSoldItem
- ShopTradeItem
- SitCloseServerPacket
- Your character standing up
- SitPlayerServerPacket
- Nearby player sitting down
- SitRemoveServerPacket
- Nearby player standing up
- SitReplyServerPacket
- Your character sitting down
- SitState
- SkillLearn
- SkillMasterReply
- SpellErrorServerPacket
- Show flood protection message (vestigial)
- SpellPlayerServerPacket
- Nearby player raising their arm to cast a spell (vestigial)
- SpellRequestServerPacket
- Nearby player chanting a spell
- SpellTargetGroupServerPacket
- Nearby player(s) hit by a group heal spell from a player
- SpellTargetOtherServerPacket
- Nearby player hit by a heal spell from a player
- SpellTargetSelfServerPacket
- Nearby player self-casted a spell
- StatSkillAcceptServerPacket
- Response to spending skill points
- StatSkillJunkServerPacket
- Response to resetting stats and skills at a skill master
- StatSkillOpenServerPacket
- Response from talking to a skill master NPC
- StatSkillPlayerServerPacket
- Response to spending stat points
- StatSkillRemoveServerPacket
- Response to forgetting a skill at a skill master
- StatSkillReplyServerPacket
- Response from unsuccessful action at a skill master
- ReplyCodeDataWrongClass
- Data associated with replyCode value SkillMasterReply::WRONGCLASS
- StatSkillTakeServerPacket
- Response from learning a skill from a skill master
- TalkAdminServerPacket
- Admin chat message
- TalkAnnounceServerPacket
- Admin announcement
- TalkListServerPacket
- Global chat backfill.
- TalkMsgServerPacket
- Global chat message
- TalkOpenServerPacket
- Party chat message
- TalkPlayerServerPacket
- Public chat message
- TalkReply
- TalkReplyServerPacket
- Reply to trying to send a private message
- TalkRequestServerPacket
- Guild chat message
- TalkServerServerPacket
- Server message
- TalkSpecServerPacket
- Temporary mute applied
- TalkTellServerPacket
- Private chat message
- TileEffect
- TradeAdminServerPacket
- Trade updated (items changed while trade was accepted)
- TradeAgreeServerPacket
- Partner agree state updated
- TradeCloseServerPacket
- Partner closed trade window
- TradeItemData
- TradeOpenServerPacket
- Trade window opens
- TradeReplyServerPacket
- Trade updated (items changed)
- TradeRequestServerPacket
- Trade request from another player
- TradeSpecServerPacket
- Own agree state updated
- TradeUseServerPacket
- Trade completed
- WalkCloseServerPacket
- Your character has been frozen
- WalkOpenServerPacket
- Your character has been unfrozen
- WalkPlayerServerPacket
- Nearby player has walked
- WalkReplyServerPacket
- Players, NPCs, and Items appearing in nearby view
- WarpAgreeServerPacket
- Reply after accepting a warp
- WarpTypeDataMapSwitch
- Data associated with warpType value WarpType::MAPSWITCH
- WarpCreateServerPacket
- Equivalent to INIT_INIT with InitReply.MapMutation
- WarpEffect
- WarpPlayerServerPacket
- Equivalent to INIT_INIT with InitReply.WarpMap
- WarpRequestServerPacket
- Warp request from server
- WarpTypeDataMapSwitch
- Data associated with warpType value WarpType::MAPSWITCH
- WarpType
- WelcomeCode
- WelcomeNet242ServerPacket
- Equivalent to INIT_INIT with InitReply.FileEnf
- WelcomeNet243ServerPacket
- Equivalent to INIT_INIT with InitReply.FileEsf
- WelcomeNet244ServerPacket
- Equivalent to INIT_INIT with InitReply.FileEcf
- WelcomePingServerPacket
- Equivalent to INIT_INIT with InitReply.FileMap
- WelcomePongServerPacket
- Equivalent to INIT_INIT with InitReply.FileEif
- WelcomeReplyServerPacket
- Reply to selecting a character / entering game
- WelcomeCodeDataSelectCharacter
- Data associated with welcomeCode value WelcomeCode::SELECTCHARACTER
- WelcomeCodeDataEnterGame
- Data associated with welcomeCode value WelcomeCode::ENTERGAME